Monday, July 28, 2008

Why does a stay-at-home Mom have to run so many errands?

I always mean to be a homemaker. I love making a pleasant home-base for my family. I remember how wonderful it was to have a home to come home to when I was growing up. As an adult, I still felt at home when I went to visit the parents. But it does take actual time at home in order to make it homey. As the family purchasing agent I must venture out to procure supplies. One errand turns into five easily. With gas prices I have to combine errands, and before you know it, the day is half gone. I've been going to the laundromat so that I can baby the septic system. There's another day gone. I have to go to the Y three mornings a week because I won't exercise on my own and I have to be responsible about the diabetes. This is turning out to be a whine.
Total subject change.
I have a friend, a bit of snob, maybe not the brightest bulb. He decided to get help for his drinking problem, he joined AAA. No meetings, and if you fall off the wagon, you can call them for a ride home.

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