Thursday, October 23, 2008

postpone the nip and tuck

If you postpone your plastic surgery, or should I say your first plastic surgery, until you need several things done the net result will be a win. You'll be thinking, tummy tuck and lipo but looking in the mirror, you'll think, that's gonna make my butt and thighs look big. Or you'll want to get your neck tightened up a smidge but then your crow's feet will stand out a mile. Its like trying to paint the hall in your house, it makes all the other rooms look shabby. If you have multiple surgeries at once just consider the pain factor. Lie on your stomach, ouch! On your back, ouch! On your side strains the stitches, ouch! Also, surgery is dangerous, what if you die on the table? All your relatives will have to explain, no it wasn't a life or death heart surgery, it was elective. Then too what if you don't die but just lapse into a coma, a beautiful, slim, twenty-nine looking, coma.
I'm not saying we should all learn to age gracefully, but perhaps with a quiet resignation. Accept the sags and bags, dim the lights at home, wear more make-up, wear a veil in sunlight and tell everyone you have melanoma. There are a variety of coping mechanisms you can use, tell everyone you're twenty years older than you are, they'll be amazed, hopefully.

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